Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Things 3 & 4

Done and done. A shout out is needed for the particular staff member that got not only me, but so many others started with these steps. Thanks!!

Things 1 & 2

I'm back-peddling a bit here.....started the blog and THEN read the intro and the 7 1/2 habits. It was easy to pick which habits were the easiest and which were the hardest. It was so easy in fact that I can't pick just one of each. So....I'm breaking the rules and listing the two easiest and the two hardest. (Honestly, if I wait to decide, I will never move forward with this blog. Indecisiveness, remember?)

The two easiest are habits 3 and 1/2. I think it's important to play and to bring playfulness to just about everything you do in some way. It just makes life more...well, fun!

Habit #3: Viewing problems as challenges...someone told me once there are no problems, only solutions that haven't been found yet. Ever since then it's been kinda easy to look at problems as challenges, as opportunities to find solutions.

Ok, now the hard habits: Using technology to my advantage....I'm just not up to speed and the reason probably ties in to habit # 4 in the sense that I often don't feel competent/confident about learning all the different facets of technology.

The second hardest habit for me would be habit # 1: Begin with the end in mind. I will start with a somewhat clear picture of the end but am more interested in seeing where the brainstorming will take me and what "opportunities to find solutions" I come across along the way, which oftentimes changes the "end in mind". Beginning with the end in mind definitely requires goals and unless you are flexible with your goals, you can get so caught up with focusing on that end point, that you miss many learning experiences along the way.